I am not doing a very good job with any of my New Year's Resolutions! February has been a crazy month! School was very bad for a few weeks. I think it was too much indoor recess, too much cold-ness, and too many germs!! Add all that up and throw in a little wedding planning and this is what I looked like....
I think I finally have it all under control...for now! Sooo I have a lot of posting and updating to do!
P.S. Did you see I have a whole 6 followers!!! Granted 2 of those are my actual BFFs and I told them they had to become followers!!! Hey, I will take what I can get!
About Me
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Here is a copy of my January newsletter!
Basically...I am testing out google docs!!
You can find it HERE!
Basically...I am testing out google docs!!
You can find it HERE!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Family Projects
I just LOVE sending home family projects! We don't do homework at my school, so this is something fun for my kids and their families to do! I tired out one in October this year...and it went great! I just sent home an orange piece of construction paper shaped like a pumpkin...the rest was up to them! Here are a few examples....
Here is our darling little pumpkin patch! I HATE the cinder block walls...NOTHING STICKS!!!
So cute!
Well for January I sent home a Snowman Family Project!!
Here they are.....
I am looking for other family projects to do through out the year....so if you have any ideas I would love to hear them!! My goal is one a month..or at least every other month!
Meet the Teacher!!
Hello blogland! I am so excited to be a part of my FIRST linky party! So...here is a little about me!
My name is Crystal and this is my 3rd year teaching Kindergarten and I LOVE IT!!!!! It is my passion and joy to wake up every morning and go to school!
I am a Kansas girl! I grew up in Kansas and went to college at Pittsburg State University- Go Gorillas!!!! I got my degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Early Childhood Development. While there I joined the sorority Sigma Sigma Sigma...I met my best friends for life! It was the best thing I ever did!
I now live in South Dakota (eek) with my Beyonce (that is fiance to normal people)! We moved here in June and I can't say that I love it...yet. This winter is about to kill me! I do miss my family and friends in Kansas, but I am starting to feel a little at home in South Dakota! I never knew it was so hard to make friends as a grown up! We will be getting married in a few short 4 months (AHHHHHHH)! I am very excited and can not wait to be the wife of an amazing man!
Q: What would you be doing if you weren’t a teacher?
A: Once the beyonce and I have babies...I would love to stay home with them!
Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I loooove to bake, and cook. I am working on getting a little more crafty..and blog land is helping me with this!
Q: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: I always knew I wanted to be a teacher! My family had originally talked me out of it, and I went to school with my degree path in Interior Design...I finally stopped trying to be something I wasn't! I love my life decision!
Q: What are your guilty pleasures?
A: Dr. Pepper, Chapstick, both my Ipods (one for me, one for school), MTV reality tv...I love me some Snooki!! Dr. Pepper, chocolate, blog stalking, and facebooking!!!
Q: What is your biggest fear?!
A: Not being able to be a mommy!
Q: When you’re on vacation, where do you like to go?
A: Right now (while its -30 outside) I keep dreaming of my soon-to-be honeymoon location in Mexico!!! Some day I also hope to travel around Europe and IRELAND!!!
Q: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
A: Don't let anyone tell you what you CAN'T do!
Q: What do you value most in others?
A: Kindness...I believe you should be kind to everyone!
Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass down to your kids, what would it be?
A: Again...Kindness! I have a HUGE heart!! I like to do what I can for my fellow man!
Q: If you could have lunch with anyone in the world….living or dead…who would it be?
A: My grandmother, and my aunt. They passed away before I really got to know them! What I wouldn't give to talk to them, and show them the woman I have become!
**I just want everyone to know that it took me like an hour to figure out all this stuff!!!! Blogging is hard!!**